
My name is Keith, Bob and I and our wives have been best friends for over 30 years.  Bob invited me to come on board to help him with sales, marketing and customer service.  I’ve been doing that kind of stuff for various organizations since the 1970’s. 

When it comes to CNC he and I are the Yin and Yang of guys interested in CNC router.  Bob has never met a technical or mechanical problem he doesn’t love.  Me, not so much.  I’ve got hammers to fix problems like that.

That is what make our partnership perfect and I expect it will be helpful for you.  Some of you like Bob are inveterate tinkerers and designers with a natural mechanical aptitude.  Some of you like me aren’t.  We're just not interested in inventing the light bulb.  We're perfectly happy knowing there's store out there somewhere where we can buy one when ours’ burns out.

My plan is to write blogs from the point of view of the CNC-challenged.  I’m not a machinist, never run a CNC and know as much about G-Code as I do Unified String Theory.  But for those of you who are on the same end of the learning curve you won’t feel so lonely.  Best of all I can pester Bob for help which will make him wonder why he wanted me to climb on board in the first place.

If you have any questions send them to helpdesk@bobscnc.com.  I look forward to learning the answers along with you.

Unleash Your Creativity,


February 05, 2017 — Keith Havens